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Trump Campaign Calls Bidenomics ‘Unmitigated Disaster’ Amid Surging Prices – Statement

© Sputnik / Stringer / Go to the mediabankUS President Donald Trump makes an announcement about U.S. trade relations with China and Hong Kong in the Rose Garden of the White House in Washington
US President Donald Trump makes an announcement about U.S. trade relations with China and Hong Kong in the Rose Garden of the White House in Washington - Sputnik International, 1920, 15.05.2024
WASHINGTON (Sputnik) – Bidenomics is an “unmitigated disaster” resulting in high inflation with American families earning less and paying more for basic household essentials, including gas, food, and rent, the Trump Campaign said on Wednesday.
Bidenomics is an unmitigated disaster. Workers and families are literally paying the price for Joe Biden’s failed economic policies, with prices on household essentials like gas, food, rent, and diapers skyrocketing. Baby food and formula alone are up 30%. Overall prices are up 20%, while real average weekly earnings are down 4.4% since Biden took office,” the campaign said in a statement on April’s Consumer Price Index.
The statement said that when Donald Trump is back at the White House he will lower taxes, and prices, and raise wages to uplift all Americans.
Commenting on the state of the US economy earlier in the day, House Speaker Mike Johnson said that Bidenomics has ruined the American economy and everybody knows that.
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“Inflation continues to rise under President Biden. This administration has spent too much money, grown the size of the government, and regulated some industries almost to the point of extinction. American families cannot afford to live in President Biden’s America,” Johnson said in an X (formerly Twitter) post.

Earlier on Wednesday, the US Bureau of Labor Statistics published its April’s Consumer Price Index, or CPI, a key inflation indicator. According to the index, US consumer prices grew 3.4% in the year to April, easing for the first time in three months.

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